Sunday, November 14, 2021

Walking Away - or Rather Rolling Away

2021 11 13
A lot can happen in 10 years, and it has.  I've raised sheep and goats, sold said sheep and goats, got laid off from my lucrative job, got my real estate licence, bought a stained glass store, quit real estate cause THAT sucked, grew the stained glass business, then scraped by during a global pandemic, and recently rejoined the workforce as a remote employee.  
During this time I've watched the two human beings I gave birth to survive the horrors of high school and grow into the beautiful and joy filled creatures I had hoped they would become.  Their father took his own life earlier this year, a tragic ending to a complicated story. The kids are handling it better than I did, but I'm better now.  Thing 1 came out as trans a few years ago, which has been an interesting journey in and of itself, and Thing 2 recently began driving, which has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for all of us. 
My dad died in 2014, my mom is in a semi-assisted living facility, my brother has found religion which has caused me and my kids to distance from them a bit, and he started his own machining business which is thriving. 
So, that's the last decade in a nutshell.  And here's  the newest adventure:
Yep, I done taken complete leave of my senses and am taking the show on the road.  HasliVal will remain home base, but I am upping my road tripping game.  

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